Abraam Youssef

I am Abraam Youssef, a rising senior at Stetson University studying Computer Science. This summer I, along with my partner Wahub Ahmed, will be working under faculty mentors Dr. Damla Turgut and Dr. Ladislau Bölöni and graduate student Furkan Cimen to perform research on an IoT augmented scale model of a suburban home. This is a smart home model that has sensors which record the temperature and humidity of all rooms. We will be improving the realism of the model by automating the movement of the heat lamp, improving the physical components of the model, and running more realistic scenarios to collect data. Our goal is to use machine learning techniques to predict the temperature and humidity of the scaled home. We will specifically work on comparing those ML models with traditional equations of temperature and humidity to gauge where ML models outperform traditional prediction techniques, and perform an ablation study.

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