
Welcome to NSF REU Site: Research Experiences on the Internet of Things (IoT) at University of Central Florida. We will recruit and engage 10 undergraduate students per year for three years, starting in Summer 2019, in an intensive 8-week summer research experience at this REU site. See the program flyer here.

Program Dates: May 16, 2022 – July 8, 2022

Application Deadline: March 4, 2022

Apply Now!


Eligibility Requirements

  • Sophomore, junior or senior undergraduates
  • Majors: computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering, and mechanical engineering
  • Must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
  • Minimum overall GPA 2.7

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  • Weekly seminars/workshops
  • REU symposium participation
  • Hands-on experience with IoT devices
  • Socials

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Program Benefits

  • $4800 stipend
  • Travel allowance
  • On-campus housing
  • Meal allowance


Contact: Damla Turgut  Email: turgut@cs.ucf.edu